A large part of social science research is qualitative research and works with a variety of methods and their combinations. However, unlike in quantitative social research, the re-use of qualitative data is still the exception. In addition to data protection and research ethics requirements, one of the reasons for this is that the heterogeneity and complexity of the data, which often contains personal data and dense contexts, makes it difficult to process and archive for secondary use.
In cooperation with researchers, research data centers have developed solutions for the preparation, archiving and provision of qualitative research data. Nevertheless, researchers interested in secondary use often cannot find suitable data for their research project: On the one hand, the number of datasets available for secondary use is still small - which also limits the thematic breadth of research questions currently possible. On the other hand, it is difficult to find existing datasets because the datasets of several providers cannot be searched in one place.
As part of the German National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in the Consortium for the Social, Educational, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (KonsortSWD), QualidataNet was founded to close this gap. QualidataNet is a network of research data centers, archives and repositories that archive research data and materials from qualitative social research and make them available for scientific reuse.