Guidelines & handouts
Here you will find an alphabetical list of guidelines and handouts used by network partners.
Here you will find an alphabetical list of guidelines and handouts used by network partners.
Keywords: data collection, language corpora, research data management, tools, standards
DFG handout: "Empfehlungen zu datentechnischen Standards und Tools bei der Erhebung von Sprachkorpora"
Available at:
Keywords: research data, RDM, discipline specificity
Here you will find a list of subject-specific recommendations for handling research data published by the German Research Foundation.
Available at:
Keywords: anonymisation, pseudonymisation, text data, personal data, data protection, research ethics
Mozygemba, Kati & Betina Hollstein (2023): Anonymisierung und Pseudonymisierung qualitativer textbasierter Forschungsdaten - eine Handreichung. Qualiservice Working Papers 5-2023, Bremen,
Available at:
Keywords: law, research ethics, GDPR, criminal offences
Recommended citation: RatSWD (Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten). (2023). Handreichung „Umgang mit der Kenntnisnahme von Straftaten im Rahmen der Durchführung von Forschungsvorhaben": Erstellt von Max Tauschhuber, Dr. Paul Vogel und Prof. Dr. Dr. Eric Hilgendorf (RatSWD Output Series, 7. Berufungsperiode Nr. 1). Berlin.
ABSTRACT: Becoming aware of criminal offences in the research process is a research ethics dilemma and harbours uncertainties for researchers: If criminal offences become known during research, it is often unclear: Do researchers have to conceal knowledge of criminal offences or must or should they disclose them? The Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD) handout ‘Dealing with knowledge of criminal offences when conducting research projects’ deals with the clarification of this question using four practical examples. These come from right-wing extremism research and deal with the disclosure of child abuse, an intention to commit suicide and possible neglect of people in need of care that becomes known during a narrative interview. The handout discusses criminal law, data protection law and other legal requirements as well as ethical guidelines in detail using the examples and clearly explains possible solutions to the dilemma.
Keywords: contextualisation, documentation
The contextualisation of qualitative research data is central for further scientific use, because the meaningful understanding of qualitative research materials usually requires reference to their context, because ‘only with reference to the context of an action or statement in the broadest sense ... can I understand the meaning of this statement’ (Hollstein & Ullrich 2003, p. 36). There is not just one context, but a variety of institutional, content-related, methodological and situational contexts that can contribute to the understanding of qualitative research materials. While these contexts are usually directly known or accessible to the people involved in the research project, the challenge in the subsequent use of qualitative research materials is that the use of data is separate from the generation of data. The original contexts in which the research materials were created, justified and used are therefore not directly available to the secondary users, but must be subsequently analysed. Contextualisation means that (primary) researchers document the contexts of their data sets so that the research data can be reused by other researchers.
Recommended citation & available at: Heuer, Jan-Ocko; Kretzer, Susanne; Mozygemba, Kati; Huber, Elisabeth & Hollstein, Betina (2020): Kontextualisierung qualitativer Forschungsdaten für die Nachnutzung – eine Handreichung für Forschende zur Erstellung eines Studienreports. Qualiservice Working Papers 12020, Bremen,
Keywords: Spoken language corpora, processing effort
Recommended citation: Thomas Schmidt, Kai Wörner, Hanna Hedeland, Timm Lehmberg (2013): Leitfaden zur Beurteilung von Aufbereitungsaufwand und Nachnutzbarkeit von Korpora gesprochener Sprache.
Available at: urn:nbn:de:bsz:mh39-13314